How to Set Up DKIM for Pepipost?

October 12, 2023  |  < 1 min read

DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) is a method for email senders to digitally sign email messages in a way that can be verified by email receivers. This allows receivers to verify that the message truly came from the sender, and has not been tampered with. DKIM is intended to address some of the flaws in the existing email system, such as spoofing, phishing, and message tampering. 

How to Configure DKIM for Pepipost?

Simply add another TXT record if you want to sign your outgoing emails using DKIM and use Pepipost as your email sending source.


Type: TXT

Record value: k=rsa; p=MIGf….. [Use your domain’s distinct DKIM key created by Pepipost]

Here is an example of a DKIM record: 

Wait for DNS to process the changes after adding the DKIM record. Select the option to verify DKIM. You can see your domain’s verified status if your DKIM record is valid and free of errors.

Use our free DKIM record lookup tool to validate the published DKIM record.

Enable DMARC for your domains to protect against spoofing. Sign up for a free trial today!


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